Ethnohistorical regions in Eurasia
Charles University, Prague. Institute of International Studies, Department of Russian and East European Studies
Course leader: Slavomír Horák (
Course duration: 24 hours (2 hours x 12 weeks)
Availability: Spring term 2007
Course Outline
Majority of the courses lectured at the institute are mostly keen on the problems of center of the appropriate states in the fields of history, politics, economy or social problems. The problems of selected regions within these states (often playing important role for the center) are usually off attention.
Thus, the courses should analyse selected conflict or traditional ethno-historical regions throughout Eurasia. Accordng to its importance within each region historical background, ethnic composition, religious problems and contemporary political and economical condition as well as the signification for the center will be analysed.
Course Schedule
- The introduction to Eurasian regions
- Volga republics – Tatarstan
- The Crimea – film about Crimean Tatars
- Northern Caucasus – overview on geography, nationalities and history
- Northern Caucasus – cases of Kalmykia and Dagestan
- Southern Caucasus – Meskhetian Turks
- Southern Caucasus – analysis of Geogrian subregions
- Southern Siberia – overview on Buryatia, Khakassia, Tuva and Altay with emphasis on Tuva.
- Southern Siberia – Jewish Autonomous Region as an attempt to create ethnical region
- Arctic regions - overview on geography, ethnics and history, contemporary problems.
- Uzbek regions – Ferghana valley, Tajik regions
- Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Region
- Introduce students to microregions through case studies in Eurasian space.
- Analyse development in selected region from historical, ethnical, political and economical point of view.
- Critically understanding ethno-national histories.
- Apply general theoretical approaches to the concrete case of selected regions.
by the end of the course, a student will have acquired:
1. deepened knowledge of micro level of the state through selected regions;
2. ability to view the politics of the central organ from regional view;
3. to develop the knowledge on the topics selected for the presentations and
4. important skills relating to oral/written presentation and discussion.
Enrollment Requirements
Working knowledge of English and Russian as well as basic overview on history and contemporary development of Russia and other Eurasian regions is essential for the course.
Course Requirements/Assessment
40% oral presentation on one or two selected regions
40% analytical paper on the topic concerning the course (approximately 1500-2000 words). The subject is to be consulted with the lecturer.
20% active work during the seminars
Recommended Readings
(The list is based on the resources available in the faculty library)
Baczwarow M., Sulibowski A., Kompendium wiedzy o geografii politycznej i geopolitice, Warszawa, 2003.
Chazbijewicz S., Tatarzy Krymscy. Walka o naród i wolna ojczyzne, Poznań, 2001.
Collingwood R. G., The Idea of History (Revised Edition), Oxford, New York, 1994.
Connor W., Ethnonationalism. The Quest for Understanding, Princeton, 1994.
Cornell S.E.: Autonomy and conflict, Uppsala UP, 2002.
Cornell S.E.: Small nations and great powers, Curzon Press, 2001.
De Waal T.: Black Garden: Armenia and Azerbaijan Through Peace and War, New York, 2003.
Calming the Ferghana Valley: Development and Dialogue in the Heart of Central Asia, Barnett R. Rubin (ed.). A Report of the Ferghana Valley Working Group of the Center for Preventive Action, The Century Foundation, Council on Foreign Relations, Washington, D.C. 1999.
Eberhardt P.: Geografia ludnosci Rosji, Warszawa, 2002.
Ethnicity (Eds. J. Hutchinson, A.D.Smith), Oxford, New York, 1996.
Forsyth J., A history of the peoples of Siberia, Cambridge UP, 1994.
Kaiser, R.J., The geography of nationalism in Russia and the USSR, Princeton, 1994.
Libaridian G.J., Modern Armenia, Transaction Publishers, 2004
Patek A., Birobidžan, Kraków, 1997.
The Nationalities Question in the post-Soviet Era. Ed. G. Smith, London and New York 1996.
The Oral History Reader. Ed. R. Perks and A. Thomson, London and New York, 2002.
The territories of the Russian federation, London 2004
Атлас. Отечественная история XX век, Москва, 2000.
Бабурин, В. Л.: Эволюция российских пространств. Москва, 2002.
Бахтурина, А. Ю. Окраины российской империи: государственное управление и национальная политика в годы первой мировой войны (1914-1917 гг.), Москва, 2004.
Бобровников, В. О.: Мусульмане Северного Кавказа: обычай, право, насилие: очерки по истории и эгнографии права Нагорного Дагестана, Москва, 2002.
Бурханов, К. Н. и кол.: Северный Кавказ: история и современность, Алматы, 2001.
Векирова, Г.: Крымскотатарская проблема в СССР (1994-1991), Симферополь, 2004.
Гитлин, С.: Национальные отношения в Узбекистане. Илюзии и реальность, Tel Aviv, 1998.
Договоры между Россией и ее субъектами: проблемы и перспективы, Москва, 2001.
Жущенко, А. А.: Соотношение конституций республик в составе РФ: проблемы теории и практики, Москва, 2001.
История Татарстана. Учебное пособие для основной школы, Казань 2001.
Пыжиков, А. В.: Административно-территориальные устройство России, Москва, 2003.
Сергийчук, Б.: Украинский Крым, Киев, 2001.
Федерализм и региональная политика в полиэтнических государствах, Москва, 2001.
Филлипов, В. Р. – Грушкин, Д. В.: Федерализм как он есть. Интервью с руководителями субъектов РФ о федерализме и региональной политике, Москва, 2001.
Филлипов, В. Р.: Критика этнического федерализма, Москва, Moskva 2003.
Центр-Регионы-Местное управление, Москва, 2001.
Чиркин, В. Е.: Современное федеративное государство, Москва, 1997.
История Бадахшана, Москва, 1999.
Herbers, H.: Transformation in the Tajik Pamirs: Gornyi-Badakhshan – an example of succesful restructuring? Central Asian Survey, Vol. 20, No. 3 (2001), p. 367-382 - Sibirskaja zaimka - korennyje narody Rossii - Etno žurnál, ssylki